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It was a pleasant privilege to assist my friend, Herman Verarde, in sharing his invaluable insights and experience with the public through his HANDBOOK FOR AMERICA. Most books about education address the tip of the iceberg, ignoring the greater issues huidden in the depths of our overstressed society. Mr Velarde's experience as a guidance counselor and truant officer, working in the communities, seeking out truants and their parents, convinced him that the most intractable individuals lacked a basic understanding of the American social contract and before the neighborhoods and their schools can be improved, that must be remedied.
Travis E. Pike
Los Angeles, California

Herman Velarde met parents who failed to encourage their children to strive for excellence in anticipation of future rewards, and affluent parents, who rewarded their offspring with hefty allowances for staying out of their way, rather than for achievement. Tragically, without an understanding of, and commitment to, the principles embraced by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, today these marginalized individuals remain hopelessy isolated. In HANDBOOK FOR AMERICA, Mr. Velarde presents his proven approach to enhancing learning skills and community relations for all public, private and home-schooled students, dropouts, and anyone seeking a socially responsible avenue to success. His insights and exercises are fresh and vital, not just for our native-born sons and daughters, but for anyone striving to succeed in these United States.

    "I have lived my life according to the principles in this book, but I have never before seen them so nicely organized and written down."
Robert Stacey, Dean Emeritus, Los Angeles College of Law