You might expect to find this page linked to the music from Changeling's Return,, but it is really part of the Morningstone Legacy. My original Changeling was a pop culture occult rock opera inspired by rampant, thrill-seeking experimentation with mind-altering drugs that proliferated in Hollywood at that time. I had been pitching it to various studios and someone, attending one of those pitches, said that the program lacked a love song. But my occult musical was not a love story. The young people who had accidentally invoked a serious spell and stumbled into a "bad trip," when they recovered, wanted nothing to do with each other and glad to have escaped their experiment alive. But it was still true that Changeling didn't have a love song. In the ensuing years, Morningstone development allowed for a supernatural love affair between a mortal and an immortal goddess . . . and to my wonder, I relized I had wrtten it years ago. The flip side of the only single recorded by Travis Pike's Tea Party, was "The Likes of You," composed for an as yet unknown goddess, perfection personified, not unlike my first song composed during my recovery in Chelsea Naval Hospital "for my German fans,"" but also to Lorelei, the enchantress in German folklore who lured boatmen to watery graves with her beauty and her song.
      That gives me cause to wonder, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Did the song inspire the story, or was it the other way around. It was always a song to a perfect "other," and rewritten to more honestly address that otherworldly perfection. Either way, it belonged in Morningstone and nowSo it belongs The reason I put it here, with The Mysteries, is because of its lyrics, and realized, again, that it was always a song to a perfect "other." I cannot help but wonder, all these years later, if that perfect "other" was always the Ninefold Muse.

      I wrote "The Likes of You" at least two years after my auto accident in Germany, and I have no memory of ever meeting the Laura of my story, but as Carl G. Jung pointed out, dreams are, by their nature, products of the unconscious, and after that wreck I was rather heavily sedated for some time.
Travis Edward Pike
28 January 2019, Otherworld Cottage