Hank Mayo SFX storyboard and sketches, 1985
While Travis worked out a plausible production schedule, Hank Mayo worked on the storyboard.
Following are the detailed sketches Hank was able to knock out in just two days.

Billy Bryan met Hank Mayo on the set of Ghostbusters where Billy played the Marshmellow Man. Billy recommended Hank for the special efx storyboard Peter Anderson needed to create a realistic visual effects budget. And that's how in January, 1985, Hank Mayo, who the previous year had worked on the concept design for Dune, found himself working literally side-by-side with Travis, as Travis worked on his production schedule, and when Hank finished his assignmennt two days early, Travis asked him to draw the sketches below to show to potential investors.

(1st column descending)--Nial misses his chance to slay Long-Grin. Sigismund and Hildegard become engaged. (2nd column descending)--Merlin has to deal with the sorcerer...and the dragon. Gwen embraces her hero, Nial. (third column descending)--Merlin warns the court of impending disaster. Akimera, kidnaps Princess Gwen. Nial runs afoul of the sorcerer.

Looking at these sketches, the idea of Long-Grin as an illustrated novel, doesn't seem at all far-fetched.

      If you're longing to learn more about Long-Grin, you'll be happy to know his saga, on the back burner for the last several years, is back in active development. In 2006, Billy Bryan created a fantasicly detailed mock up of Long-grin's head and neck, now esconced in the Otherworld Cottage production office, a constant reminder to Travis that the rest of the dragon is still waiting in the wings.